American Dragon Jake Long

A Chimera is a mythological creature (as indicated by Rose) that's known for its cruelty and monstrous body. Only one appears in the entire series, in "Dreamscape" from Season 2. It was trapped deep into Professor Rotwood's subconscious and accidently set loose by Jake.

Physical Appearance

In the series, the Chimera is a three-headed humanoid creature that is able to walk on its hind legs. It has the body and head of a lion, the head of a goat, and the head of a cobra. It also has the tail of snake. Its entire body is a mix of red and purple colors.

Magical Powers

A Chimera in general is very powerful. It has superhuman strength and, although this only applies in the Dream Realm, can cause physical harm to humans. Whenever it appears into someone's dreams, it will cause horrifying nightmares that will make that person grumpy and/or sleepy the next morning.

The Chimera is incapable of speech and often acts from its instincts. It is extremely dangerous when on the loose as it will invade all the dreams it can in one night to cause as much havoc as possible.

Current Status

Chimera capture

Jake capturing a Chimera

In "Dreamscape", Lao Shi explains that the only way to catch a Chimera is to absorb it inside a magical snare. This will shrink it to the size of the trap, but the beast will recover its true form once freed. Jake and his friends manage to catch the Chimera after a hectic battle, and then set things back to normal by sending it back into Rotwood's mind where it belongs.

It is currently unclear why Rotwood is unaffected by the fact that a Chimera lives in his subconscious. It is possible that, because of past traumatizing events and his rough (and unhappy) childhood, the Chimera is nothing compared to what he has already experienced early on in his life.


  • In most myths, the Chimera can breath fire and usually has the body of a lion, a snake head at the tip of its tail and a goat head on its back;
  • The term "chimera" is derived from the ancient Greek "khimaros", which means "she-goat";
  • The modern word "chimera" is often used to describe an impossible or foolish fantasy;
  • The Chimera is one of the Top 13 Threats to the Magical Community;
  • The Chimera's roar is a mix of snake hisses and a distant howl.
  • In some tales, the Chimera is believed to stand on two legs which is a lion with a goat's head on its back and a snake's head for a tail.
  • In other legends, the Chimera is also said to have an eagle's head or even a dragon's head. Also, some legends show that a Chimera has four heads, instead of three.